SolarWedge tilted racking system ensures seismic safety in residential and commercial flat roof projects by structurally attaching to roof rafters.
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PV Mount Systems:
Self-bonding, patented system designed for flat roof projects
Available in 1, 5, 10, and 15 degree tilt angles
Each system engineered and load tested to equivalent of 120 mph winds per 2019 CBC / 2018 IBC / ASCE 7-16
Spans 6 foot on center max with 2" tall RoofTrac® Rail
Spans 8 foot on center max with 3" tall RoofTrac® RailClass A Fire Rated for Type 1 and 2 Modules
Features UL2703 listed RoofTrac® Rail Clamping Technology and ChemLink™ E-Curb™ easy sealant system.
For Sloped Roofs See: RoofTrac®
For Ground Mounts See: GroundTrac®